AltairCapture latest stable release v 4.12.27250 using .dll driver version 57.27250.20241216
File name:
Download Size 36.3mb
Installation instructions:
Right click to unzip the file in Windows, or double click the file to open it.
NOTE: If camera not recognized on older versions of Windows follow these instructions.
- Adds new 585M Mono Camera
- Fixes new bug with GPCAM 290 series cameras.
- Speed and efficiency improvements.
- Includes new 2024 camera models including 585 series.
- Recommended for new users, and to test your camera using the diagnostic feature for support.
- Changes camera name AA115M to AA294M in software to reduce confusion in the market.
- Can open .FITS files (drag 'n drop).
- Live stacking for Video Astronomy.
- High speed .SER video capture for planets, solar and lunar "lucky" imaging.
- .FITS image capture for deep-sky imaging in RAW mode.
- Common image and video file formats supported.