1: locate and remove the coarse focus adjustment cover grubscrew and remove it. Sometimes the retaining grubscrew is located on the coarse adjustment knob itself. You will need to check your individual setup.
2: If the retaining grubscrews are internal you will need to rotate the coarse focus knob until you can see it through the hole where you have just removed the cover grubscrew. Once you have done this you can loosen the retainer grubscrews with an appropriate allen key.
If the focuser knob doesn’t pull off easily don’t force it, first rotate it and look for a second grub screw at 90 degrees from the first one you just removed and loose that too. It’s best to do this over a towel as that will trap a falling grub screw and stop it bouncing out of sight
3: Remove and store the coarse focus adjustment knob. Be careful not to lose the grubscrews.
4: Add the appropriate sized collar to the focus shaft. Note that the collars have 2x grubscrews that need to be tightened.
A universal bracket is included for installation.
5: Loosen the motor bracket fixing screws and slide the motor up or down so that the base of the bracket touches the base of the focus mechanism. Remove the motor and bracket carefully maintaining the position of the motor on the bracket.
Tighten the screws to fix the motor in place on the bracket and fit the motor and bracket to the focus shaft.
6: Remember to try to leave a slight gap between the collar and the focuscube motor housing to avoid any unnecessary friction or snagging.
Tighten up the remaining collar grubscrews to fix the collar to the motor shaft.
7: Fit 2x fixing screws to the base of the bracket with washers direct to the base of the focus mechanism. This may vary on setup to setup so please use your own judgement here.
Your focus cube is now fitted and ready to be connected to your system.