Run up PHD2 – it should atomatically detect your Altair Camera if connected.
But what if you have two Altair Cameras connected, one for imaging perhaps and the other for guiding?
You can go into PHD2 and select which camera you want to use for guiding.
In the “Connect Equipment” section you will see options to select your camera and also mount.
Here you will see “Altair Camera” selected but to the right you will also see a small icon that looks like two arrows (green and black) this allows you to select a camera when there are multiple cameras of the same type/make conncted.
Click this and you will see a drop down box listing the available cameras, simply select the camera you wish to use as a guide camera and thats it.
If you cannot see your camera listed, please check it is connected properly at either end and also ensure that you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Altair Capture from our downloads section on the website for the latest drivers.